Family EcoCulture

Country/Territory | Indonesia |
Abbreviation | FAMO |
Organization Type | Company |
Website | http://famorganic.bio |
Phone | +62 22 8202 7272 |
Contact |
Soeparwan Soeleman (Founder) |
Description | FAMILI EKOKULTURA is an eco-socio culture entrepreneurship (eco-sociopreneurship) focusing on healthy people and a healthy environment through organic farming, organic gardening and its related products. Our main mission is to raise awareness of organic among consumers and operators by keeping the environment healthy to deliver sustainable welfare and healthy people. For organic farming, we have Ecofarming Partnership to open new farms spreaded over the country to get closer to consumers and at the same time to bring a healthy environment and improving regional economy. We use the brand, same standard, same SOP with integrated control. For urban farming, we redefine the future of organic urban farming. You may grow your own food indoor and outdoor. And you may harvest at any growing stage. It is a freedom which may attract people to start urban farming. At the moment, our focus is to fulfill organic food requirement in country to help developing a strong country which requires strong and healthy people. |