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Parthavi Organic Vision Pvt. Ltd.

Swati Sharma

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Country/Territory India
Phone +08890990954
Contact Swati Sharma (Director)

Parthavi Organic Vision Pvt. Ltd., a company founded in 2023 with a steadfast commitment to revolutionizing the organic industry. Our core mission is to empower certifiers, farmers and processors, guiding them toward sustainable growth and success.

At Parthavi, we are driven by the vision of creating a thriving organic ecosystem that benefits everyone involved. Our primary objectives are:

Farmer and Processor Empowerment: We are dedicated to enhancing the livelihoods of farmers and processors by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to excel in the organic sector. Through training and guidance, we empower them to make sustainable choices that benefit their crops, their communities, and the environment.

Certification Excellence: Parthavi strives to assist farmers, processors, manufacturers, traders, and merchant traders in achieving the rigorous standards required for organic certification. We believe that organic certification is not just a label; it's a symbol of trust and quality. We work tirelessly to help our partners meet these benchmarks, enabling them to access wider markets and command higher prices for their organic products.

Accreditation for Certification Bodies: We understand the pivotal role that certification bodies play in ensuring the integrity of organic products. Parthavi actively supports these organizations by offering guidance and assistance in achieving accreditation. By strengthening the certification process, we contribute to a more transparent and trustworthy organic industry.

Our Commitment to Excellence
At Parthavi Organic Vision Pvt. Ltd., excellence is not just a goal; it's our guiding principle. We are dedicated to fostering sustainable practices, promoting transparency, and creating a better future for both the organic industry and the world at large.
Join us on our journey as we work towards a brighter, greener future for organic farming and processing. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a world where organic is not just a choice but a way of life.
We aim to make organic easier, more abundant, and a norm.

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