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Explore our Affiliates from Ukraine

4 results found


Organic Federation of Ukraine


Organic Federation of Ukraine (Ukrainian organic umbrella organization) seeks the overall goal of promoting the values and worldview inherent supporters of the global organic movement, improving the efficiency of agricultural production with the simultaneous development of the modern world making it safe for human nature and technology. It promotes the organic movement in Ukraine, including not only production, processing and export of organic products, but also further development of domest...

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Organic Standard Ltd


Organic Standard was founded in 2007 to become the first local inspection and certification body for organic production. Up to now, it is the only Ukrainian accredited organic certification body approved by the European Union and Switzerland.
Organic Standard provides its inspection and certification services to more than 500 organic operators within Ukraine. It represents more than 75% of all organic operators in the country. Moreover, it controls a meaningful and growing number of operator...

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Organic Ukraine NGO


Organic Ukraine NGO unites only certified organic operators and has important partners for the organic business; it is established to create and develop the Ukrainian and international organic market.
Organic Ukraine has the strength, knowledge, competence and experience to protect the interests of organic producers, processors, distributors, traders, and input producers, and contribute to increase in organic sales. Our main focus is business communication for successful development of each ...

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Trial EU Member

Міжнародна благодійна організація «Інформаційний центр «Зелене досьє»/Green Dossier


Information Center "Green Dossier" is an environmental NGO established in 1994.
“Green Dossier” promotes principles of sustainable development and their integration into national policies and government programs by disseminating objective environmental and social information to mass media, local communities, government and business, involving them to practical action.
Promotion of the sustainable production and consumption, and sustainable agriculture including organic are in our core acti...

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