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Federation of WWOOF Organisations

United Kingdom

WWOOF® (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) links visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.

The founding idea of WWOOF is to facilitate exchanges around sustainable living and organic agriculture in pursuit of living in harmony with nature. WWOOF provides a way for people to learn about organic food, farming, and culture. In doing so it brings together people who share similar ...

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Federazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica


FederBio associates the main organic farming organizations at regional and national level, carrying out all activities in the sector of production, transformation, distribution, certification, the ruling and safeguarding of the interests of operators, technicians and organic products consumers. FederBio is currently the sector's unitary representative organization in which the major national regimes for certification, regulation and the protection of operators', technicians' and consumers' in...

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FiBL Europe


FiBL Europe is the umbrella organization representing the current five FiBL national research institutes in Brussels. FiBL Europe provides a single contact point to access all the competences of the national FiBL centre; provides scientific knowledge and technical solutions to advance organic farming and sustainable agriculture; contributes to the scientific excellence to develop sustainable food system in Europe and developing countries

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FiBL France


The FiBL France was created in 2017 in Drôme. FiBL France works for research on organic farming in France, mainly in Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region . FiBL France bridges expertise from Switzerland to France and vice versa and performs on-farm research in France.

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Finca La Chaya


We are an organic cattle farm in the third gereration using organic and biodynamic methods thoughout the complete value chain. We sell our products (beef and dairy products) locally. We feel very compromised with the good treatment of our animals living in a natural environment.

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Finca La Esperanzita


La Esperanzita is the cradle of organic agriculture in Nicaragua. Today it is an organically producing farm, plus Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Ecológica en el Trópico Húmedo, doing training, education, environmental and organic agriculture campaigns, preparing a carbon offset scheme for interested organizations in the area and interested buyers in Europe. It is also the starting point of eco-agro-tourism in our area.
Since june 2022 FILE is a branch iof emJAC, escuela montessori Jan Amos...

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Fondazione COISPA ETS


The mission of COISPA Foundation is to promote environmental research and innovation firmly anchored in ethical principles, social and solidarity values.
Our studies on living marine resources, marine environments, fishery and aquaculture are inspired by animal welfare, environmental protection and the socio-economic enhancement of the communities involved.
The development of organic aquaculture and sustainable fishery is a milestone among our activities.

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Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute - Bio Farming Unit


The Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) has been established on 14 February 2014 as per the FAREI Act 2013 t It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security. The Institute has the responsibility to conduct research in non-sugar crops, livestock, forestry and to provide an extension service to farmers in Mauritius including its outer islands. Objectives and Strategy Introduce, develop and promote novel technologies in the food and non-...

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Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau (FÖKO) e.V.


FÖKO (Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V.) is an association of more than 210 organic fruit growers in Germany. We organize scientific studies on organic fruit growing and host conferences, meetings and annual basic courses on organic fruit farming. FÖKO is publisher of the periodical "Öko-Obstbau". We support close cooperation and networking between fruit farmers, consultants and scientists.

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Foreningen for Biodynamisk Jordbrug


Biodynamic association founded in 1936. Supply members and others with information about the biodynamic method through booklets, videos, projekcts, courses and exibitions. Publishs books about biodynamics and members magazine 'Biodynamisk Jordbrug'. Refers to biodynamic advisory. Member of IBDA (International Biodynamic Association) and BFDI (Biodynamic Federation Demeter Intrenational). Responsible for the Demeter-standards in Denmark.

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Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland


FiBL Deutschland e.V. provides scientific services to organic agriculture, especially at the interface between research and agricultural practice. From this mandate it derives the four pillars of its work for organic agriculture and the organic food industry. These pillars are knowledge transfer, drawing up concepts to strengthen organic agriculture, scientific support for stakeholders in the field and the promotion of stakeholdernetworks.

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Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Schweiz


The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture. Its locations are situated in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and a representation in Brussels (Belgium) through FiBL Europe. FiBL’s strengths lie in its interdisciplinary research, innovations developed jointly with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research into practice.

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Forschungsring e.V.


We carry out research on organic agriculture, especially biodynamic, provide quality approvement of organic products and conduct educational activities (workshops etc.).

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Francesca Baldin


The GASAP (Groupe d'Achats Solidaires de l'Agriculture Paysanne) offer a direct and solidary link with local farms that work for an agroecological agriculture, which provides jobs in our regions. It is much more than a basket of organic vegetables, it is a real food alternative!

Like the French AMAPs, the GASAPs are a citizens' initiative and aim to support peasant agriculture and are federated in the GASAP Network. This translates into a partnership between eaters and producers who make ...

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Fresh Start Organics Inc


Fresh Start Organics group of companies is a Farm to Table company involve in the Organic Industry in Negros Island, Philippines. We operate our own Organic Fertilizer plant, Organic Farms, Distribution, Consolidation, Organic Food & Cosmetics Processing, Supermarket Outlets and our own Organic Store, Cafe & Restaurant.

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Frey Vineyards

United States of America

Frey Vineyards produces the United States' first organic and Biodynamic wine, farming 300 acres in Northern California. Located in Mendocino County, the first GMO free county in the US.

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Friedrich Bläuel


Description not available

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FRUXOTIC International Consultancy


FRUXOTIC International Consultancy offers advisory services along the entire value chain of the organic fruits trade. Our vast experience in supporting producers, processors, traders, consumers, project developers and other supporters includes trade packaging, energy saving and recovery, waste and wastewater management, taking environmental, social, and economic aspects into account. Also, our team works in all aspects of bioenergy, emission reduction and climate protection, fair trade, and s...

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The Andes AGRECOL Foundation is a private nonprofit institution, founded as AGRECOL eV Langenbruck 1983, Switzerland and incorporated as Foundation 2001 in Cochabama, Bolivia. Its mission: "To promote sustainable agricultural development through the management of knowledge, political advocacy and strengthening local initiatives in partnership with rural and urban actors'. Its corporate vision is that 'the families of peasant and indigenous communities have reached ecological sustainability, s...

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Gäa e.V. - Vereinigung ökologischer Landbau Bundesverband


Out of an environmental movement Gäa e.V., association of organic farming, was founded in Dresden in 1988. Gäa became the first East German organic farmers organization. The main objective is to provide information and guidance to farmers, gardeners and processors for the conversion process to organic principles. Lobbying and capacity-building in the field of the organic sector are its main objectivs. Gäa has developed own standards and started inspection and certification activities in 1991....

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Gebhard Rossmanith


I work as a freelancer and consultant for organic seeds and breeding issues. My main activities are:
- support of partner organisations in political themes like defending against NGTs or problems within the European Seed Law,
- fostering of Organic Varieties to enter the market and
- promotion of Organic Breeding.
I am member of the board of ECO-PB, the seed expert group of IFOAM Organics Europe and the German umbrella organisation for organic plant breeding.

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General Anthroposophical Society, Section for Agriculture


The Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum is one of eleven Sections of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach/Switzerland. Its main tasks are to coordinate and give new impulses to the biodynamic movement worldwide. We organize courses, seminars, working groups, conferences, lecture tours and publications for people who seek to deepen their knowledge of agriculture out of anthroposophical spiritual science.. We carry out research and development projects. A key concern...

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Gerhard Pelzer


Nonprofit consultant - community/family based sustainable low cost solutions. Mediating between politics, science, extension and cooperatives. The nexus: OA , waste, (waste) water, circular management. Focus on tropics & subtropics.

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Gesellschaft für Boden, Technik, Qualität


The BTQ conducts on-farm research in questions of holistic ecophysiology. This means that weeds and other culture-accompanying plants as well as insects depend on inner soil processes which can be influenced so that weed or insect regulation is not necessary. The year program includes field days, seminars and lectures on these topics.

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